What is a Convention?
Each year, every Democratic Party in every county all across North Carolina gathers together for an annual convention. At our precinct meetings in March, attendees will elect delegates to represent each precinct at this annual gathering.
Conventions are grassroots democracy in action and represent a powerful force in the Democratic party. At this year’s convention, we’ll elect County Party officers, delegates to the district parties and convention, and members to represent Catawba at the State Executive Committee.
Delegates will also vote on resolutions written at precinct meetings in March. Conventions are fun, energetic environments where you can meet folks from all across the county who share your passions and Democratic values.
Our convention is open to the public but only delegates elected at precinct meetings in March will be eligible to cast votes.
When and Where?
The 2021 Catawba County Democratic Party Convention will be virtual and is scheduled for April 10, 2021. We’ll call the convention to order a little after 1:00 pm.
If you are a delegate, you will receive an email with the links to the Zoom meeting and the Google Form you will use to vote on Friday, April 9th. You will receive the same link one hour before the Convention on Saturday, April 10th at 12pm.
If you are not a delegate but wish to attend the Convention, please click here to send an email and our team will make sure you receive the Zoom link.