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From the Chair

Updated: Dec 12, 2019


I want to take a moment during this season of love and giving to thank everyone who has worked so hard to strengthen the Catawba County Democratic Party. Your efforts are providing the citizens of Catawba County a choice when they go to the polls.

Of course that choice depends on getting candidates for all offices. Many folks are working to see that happen.

Look at our team: There are dedicated Democrats working to strengthen our precincts, register voters, increase membership in the Democratic Women of Catawba County, help with our many events, staff our new location, as well as participate in local, district, and state Democratic meetings. Well, it’s clear that there is a lot going on, much to do, and many Democrats stepping up. I cannot begin to thank you enough.

So, here it is: THANK YOU!

I don’t know how many people make New Year’s Resolutions. I do every once in a while, but now I believe it’s imperative that all Democrats make one for 2020. We have to resolve to save our country by doing all we can to “Dump Trump.” We’ll never convince his most ardent followers of how much he has hurt people in this country and how much he has damaged America’s standing in the world. But there are millions of voters – many in Catawba County – who voted for him in 2016 and are rightfully upset with what he has done. These people will vote against him, especially if the Democrats choose wisely.

2020 is not a year for us to sit on the sideline. We must adopt what you may have heard me call a “Third Class Ticket” mindset. In short, that means stepping up to do whatever needs to be done to accomplish the desired objective. In this case, the objective is electing Democrats – from president to governor to lieutenant governor and all the way down the ballot to school board and soil and water conservation district supervisor.

Our country has too many first- and second-class ticket holders – people who sit and do nothing to address our problems. Some even criticize those who try to help. Now, more than ever, we need people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work.

With determination, we can bring sanity back to America, make America smart again, restore dignity – not to mention restore public education, improve access to quality healthcare, and protect the environment.

Enjoy this holiday season. Pause to show those close to you how much they mean to you and extend a helping hand to those in need. Then, as the new year begins, resolve to make this country one in which all people feel respected, safe, and proud to be Americans.


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