Last month I mentioned the importance of truth. I said the Rotary Four-way Test begins with “Is it the truth?” Given the lies that emanate daily from the White House, truth must be a constant among Democrats.
With more than 20 Democrats running for President, we will hear comments and accusations that may stretch the truth. It is each voter’s responsibility to learn as much as we can about each candidate and the veracity of his or her words.
Speaking of candidates, it’s important we find quality candidates to run in local and state elections. Although Democrats are out-numbered 2-1 among our county’s registered voters, we must never concede local and state offices. We must offer viable alternatives to those who seem intent on creating a sanctuary for the privileged few. The filing period for City Council seats opens July 5, and filing for Newton-Conover and Hickory school boards begins Aug. 16. For 2020 elections, e.g. County Commissioner, state representative, and state senator, that filing period starts Dec. 2, 2019, which will be here sooner than we expect!
I’m very proud to be the Chair of the Catawba County Democratic Party. I am impressed by the intelligence, dedication, and positive attitudes our members – officers, precinct leaders, volunteers, and those that step up to serve as election officials. Together we will keep moving our party and our country forward.
We are looking for precinct leaders. Please contact us if you want to be more involved in your precinct. Tip O’Neill famously said, “All politics is local.” The more involved we are at the precinct level, the more effective we will be.
Our annual fundraiser, the Century Club Dinner, will be August 25, 2019, at Highland Ave. Restaurant. The keynote speaker is Honorable Anita Earls. You can find more information and how to order tickets on our website:
We celebrate the July 4th holiday this month, and it is a good time to reflect on just what that day means. It’s a celebration of freedom from tyranny. July 4 also marked the turning point in the Civil War. Victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg on July 3 and 4, 1863 turned the tide of battle and led to, in Lincoln’s words, “A new birth of freedom.” We Democrats are truly the party of freedom for all people. I hope you are as proud of being a Democrat as I am.
Ric Vandett