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Writer's picture: Catawba County DemsCatawba County Dems

In This Issue

CCDP August Meeting  Canceled 

Calendar of Events / Key Dates

  • Aug 4, 7 pm – Precinct Outreach during COVID (Zoom)

  • Aug 13, 7 pm – Ronnie Chatterji virtual town hall - Treasurer candidate (Zoom) 

  • Aug 23,  – Century Club Silent Auction Opens

  • Aug 30,  7 - 8:30 pm – Century Club Silent Auction Grand Finale (Zoom)

“Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble. Voting and participating in the democratic process are key. The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society.”

That’s what the late Congressman John Lewis wrote in an opinion piece published in The New York Times on July 30, the day of his funeral. What a loss. And, what an inspiring person and tremendous legacy of working to redeem the soul of America.

As I write this on Aug. 1, it’s ONLY 94 days until Election Day. The Catawba County Democratic Party is committed to good trouble, necessary trouble, and is working hard to be as effective as we possibly can to help elect Democrats.

Here are some highlights:

  • At our July 28 meeting, we approved $10,000 to go toward get-out-the-vote, or GOTV, materials, e.g., printing and mailing ballot information to voters, producing blue ballots for distribution (notably at early voting and Election Day polling locations), and for advertising/social media boosts.

  • We also approved hiring a GOTV Coordinator to provide the leadership and direction of volunteers that is imperative to ensure we are as successful as possible. Kim Naff, 2019 Volunteer of the Year, agreed to serve as GOTV Coordinator. Kim has already amply demonstrated her commitment, knowledge, technical savvy, and incredible work ethic. She has already hit the ground running.

  • Also at the meeting, we voted to extend the lease on our Union Square headquarters location for three years. We also committed – when it is safe and won’t put anyone’s health in jeopardy – to take our “show on the road” and hold meetings and events across Catawba County. Thanks to everyone from points south and east who have made the trek to Hickory over the past six years.

We are currently recruiting more volunteers and looking for a person (or two!) to take over Kim’s role as volunteer coordinator. In the meantime, the best way to get on our list as a volunteer is to go to and click the “Get Involved” tab. That easily and quickly gets you in the system.

We’ve been working hard to raise money since we had to cancel the annual Century Club Dinner, our signature fundraising event. Thanks to all who have contributed in response to our June 29 mailing about canceling the dinner. And, thanks, of course, to our many Sustaining Fund members whom we count on to know that we can maintain a headquarters location, procure needed supplies, and, literally, keep the lights on.

You are all appreciated.

And, a big shout out to Julie Cline and her team – Joanie Gardner, Eli Glynn, Kim Naff, Sarah Sakatos, and Paul van Breemen – for all the great work putting together the online Silent Century Club Auction.  We’ll be promoting it (see newsletter and Facebook) and I’m confident you’ll find an item, or two, or more, that you’ll want to bid on. And, Julie Cline says, “thanks to all the Dems who brought in auction items donations from themselves and others” and thanks to Deborah Hollingsworth for additional advice.

Yes, there’s a lot going on.  Here are key dates:

  • Tuesday, Aug. 4, 7 p.m.  Zoom session on Voter Outreach: Connecting in COVID Era 

  • Thursday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m. Virtual townhall with Ronnie Chatterji, candidate for NC Treasurer

  • Saturday, Aug. 15, 12:30 p.m. Democratic Women of Catawba County meeting

  • Sunday, Aug. 23, Century Club Silent Auction opens (more info to come and in newsletter)

  • Sunday, Aug. 30, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Century Club Silent Auction Grand Finale

Also, see the newsletter for key dates in the 2020 election. Any questions, please feel free to call me. I’m most reachable on my cell -- 571-331-5119 -- or email --

We. Can. Do. This. 

Go Blue!

Lynn Dorfman


“Voter Outreach:  How to Connect in COVID Era” Workshop on Aug. 4 at 7 p.m.

At our July 28 meeting, Flavia Dietrich, Lake Norman precinct chair, gave a great presentation on how she is using social media, notably the Nextdoor app, to find and connect with like-minded neighbors. We asked her to give a fuller presentation and join a discussion with other precinct chairs, officers, and other Catawba County Democratic activists for a workshop on voter outreach.  Respond to the event on our Facebook page. You can also email to let her know you’re interested in attending and she’ll get you the Zoom invitation.

The Silent Century Club Auction Is Coming!

    It is wonderful to slip into HQ (masked, of course), and see the great items that have been donated for our upcoming virtual silent auction. There is art – lots of fine art by area artists – and there’s a great fireplace screen, political memorabilia, golf clubs, gift certificates to area restaurants, gift baskets, and so much more.

   The auction opens on Aug. 23 and closes on Aug. 30 with a grand finale from 7: 00 – 8:30 p.m. Congressional candidates David Wilson Brown (5th) and David Parker (10th) will join us for the finale and we’ll recognize our Gold and Silver sponsors, just as we do each year at the Century Club dinner.

     The virtual auction will function through a Facebook group and we’ll post a link to that on the CCDP Facebook page in the coming days.  We’ll also send a separate email when we have all the logistics work out. We’ll be showcasing auction items on both pages, but no bidding until Aug. 23!

Thanks to Sarah Sakatos for handling the logistics!

Kim Naff Named GOTV Coordinator

Volunteer of the Year Kim Naff starts next week as our part-time GOTV Coordinator. She’ll be working to lead our GOTV efforts, which include setting up phonebanks (likely after Labor Day), producing GOTV materials in concert with our experienced team, working with the Volunteer Coordinator to line up volunteers for making phone calls and staffing the polls and much more.

            Kim is technologically and people savvy, knows how to use Votebuilder, and knows the county and many of our people. This is great news for electing Democrats!

Voting by Mail; Absentee Ballot Request Process

The CCDP is encouraging Democrats to vote by mail this year and this year there are changes in North Carolina law that make it easier. Anyone can request an absentee ballot and now you only need one witness signature.

Check out the

Catawba County Board of Elections website

to get the complete information. It is clearly explained.

Key Dates in the 2020 Election

September 4          Absentee-by-Mail begins*

October 9      Deadline for registering to vote

October 15            Early voting begins

October 27        Last day to request an absentee ballot by mail

October 31             Early voting ends at 3 p.m.

For information on registering to vote, here’s the link to the Catawba County Board of Elections website and the section on Voter Registration. Thanks to the hardworking folks registering voters. Sarah Huffman was spotted on Saturday registering voters at the Hickory Farmers Market.

*You can request your absentee ballot now

Donald Ray Dawson, 81, was former chair of Mountain View 2 and is the person who recruited me to replace him. Even as his health was getting worse, I could reply on him to take a shift or two at Early Voting and, also, a shift on Election Day - bringing his oxygen tank with him. I could tell that the last presidential election would be Don's last to be healthy enough to volunteer. Don was born in Tarrboro, NC, graduated from Wake Forest University , and held a master's in Divinity. Don's religious and social ideas grew beyond what he thought the Southern Baptist faith would tolerate at the time. He spent most of the last part of his career in mental health professions. His wife of 50 years, Ruth, preceded him in death. They have two daughters who survive them.

Submitted by Julie Cline

Donald Dawson passed away Saturday, August 1st.We have fine candidates – up and down the slate.

Be sure and check out all candidates who will be on our ballot in November on our website at

August Dates to Remember

Upcoming events and CCDP business:

  •  Tuesday, Aug. 4, 7 p.m.  Zoom session on Voter Outreach: Connecting in COVID Era

  •  Thursday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m. Virtual townhall with Ronnie Chatterji, candidate for NC Treasurer

  •  Saturday, Aug. 15, 12:30 p.m. Democratic Women of Catawba County meeting

  • Monday, Aug 17 - Thursday, Aug 23 - Democratic National Convention

  •  Sunday, Aug. 23, Century Club Silent Auction opens (more info to come and in newsletter)

  •  Sunday, Aug. 30, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Century Club Silent Auction Grand Finale

Note: August ExCom meeting is canceled because of the Silent Auction.

A Heart-felt Thank You!

As always, we are so extremely grateful for the support of our generous sponsors. With that critical support, we are able to keep a strong presence in Catawba County by having an operating headquarters. Should you wish to continue your support, our sustainability fund ensures that ongoing success. Thank you!

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