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Writer's pictureCatawba County Dems

July Newsletter

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Dear Fellow Democrat,

“The North Carolina Republican General Assembly has, since 2011, enacted a bold and historically stunning agenda to diminish the political, judicial, and dignitary rights of African Americans … They have offered similar treatment to poor Tar Heels…

“North Carolina Republicans have also pushed frontiers in the denial of human dignity to LGBTQ+ Tar Heels…

“Republican lawmakers have also arrogantly violated the personal liberty, constitutional privacy, and bodily integrity of North Carolina women…

“Senate and House leaders have also systematically and pervasively moved to diminish, and perhaps eventually dismantle, public schools…

“And, as if attacking judicial independence and the rule of law wasn’t bad enough, the North Carolina General Assembly has moved to thwart and distort democracy itself…

“Rarely have so few inflicted so much, so quickly, on so many, with so little justification. This is revolution born in malice and greed.”

These are excerpts from Gene Nichol’s new bookIndecent Assembly,which chronicles in chilling detail the Republicans’ assault on our state and its most vulnerable.  It is tough reading. It is even tougher for African Americans and other minorities, the poor, and the marginalized who have been subjected to indignity after indignity. And, it’s tough to watch our system of government and democratic ideals be hijacked for the benefit of the very few. Nichol’s name for NC Republicans – White Peoples Party.

This must change. We must re-elect Gov. Cooper and Attorney General Stein and elect other leaders who will represent and work for all of us. It’s vital to elect judges who believe in and follow the rule of law. I won’t even start with the travesty that is the Trump administration. I know it’s been said before, but this time it really is true:  This is the most important election in our lifetimes. 

The Catawba County Democratic Party is stepping up to do all we can to help elect Democrats. And, yes, it’s challenging in a pandemic. We are using time-honored techniques (remember the telephone?) and thinking outside the box as you’ll see in this edition of our monthly newsletter.

Read Nichol’s book. When you’re done, fired up, and mad as hell, call your family and friends, make sure they’re registered to vote (if you have an NC license or ID you can register online), tell them about absentee voting and requesting a ballot, and redouble your efforts. You’ll find ways to participate in this newsletter.

And, reach out to your precinct chair (see list in the newsletter). If you don’t have a precinct chair, round up your like-minded neighbors and get your precinct organized. First Vice Chair Shamoyi McIver (828-468-1828) can help you.

For everyone’s safety, we canceled our annual Century Club dinner, our signature fundraiser, which is traditionally held the last Sunday in August. Yet, we need funds for vital get-out-the-vote efforts. Our goal is to raise $15,000. To raise money this year we are holding an online “Silent Century Club Auction.” Experienced silent auctioneer Julie Cline is leading this effort. Her team is gathering fine art from area artists, specialty items, and more. Donations are due July 22, the virtual auction opens Aug. 23, and closes with an online Facebook finale on Aug. 30 – the day we would be gathering in Democratic fellowship.  There’s more information on the online auction in the newsletter.

As you mark the nation’s July 4th observance, and mark it safely, please, remember the words of James Baldwin that Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II, and Dr. Timothy B. Tyson used in their foreword to Indecent Assembly, “Not everything that is confronted can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is confronted.”

Let’s get to work confronting!

Thank you all for all that you do.

Lynn Dorfman

Dialing for Democrats Team: Up, Running, and Calling

Our 2nd Vice Chair Jeff Taylor, who is leading this effort, is holding training sessions for the volunteers, and the calls begin in earnest this month.

If you’d like to participate, reach out to Jeff atjefftay1961@gmail.comor at 828-308-7978. The most important things Catawba County Democrats can be doing right now:  Making calls and raising money. See next article for more on raising money.

Save the dates – from Aug. 23 to Aug. 30 – for “Silent Century Club Auction”

After Labor Day we need to get sample ballot, early voting, and voting absentee information in the hands of as many of our Democratic voters as we can. That means printing and postage costs. Your party’s leaders are developing a proposed GOTV plan for the Executive Committee to discuss and approve at our July 28 meeting. Our fundraising target is $15,000.

To help us meet that goal experienced silent auctioneer and Mt. View #2 Precinct Chair Julie Cline is leading a team that is gathering a host of donations – from fine art, to special meals, to gift baskets, vacation-home weekend/week-long stays, and more.

Donations are due July 22 and can be dropped off at our Union Square headquarters on Thursdays between 10 am and 12 noon (call 828-322-5100 ahead and say you’re coming). The virtual auction opens on Facebook (we’ll have more on this) on Aug.  23 and closes with an online finale on Aug. 30 from 7 – 8 pm.

Join U.S. Senate Candidate Cal Cunningham at July 25th Town Hall

Bring your questions for U.S. Senate Candidate Cal Cunningham to his Catawba County Virtual Townhall on Saturday, July 25, 11 am. He’s running to replace Thom Tillis and to help put Democrats in the majority in Senate. Just remember Merrick Garland if you need motivation and also imagine Mitch McConnell in the minority.

Here's the mobilize link for the Catawba County Virtual Townhall on Saturday, July 25th @11:00 am:

Do You Know What Precinct You Live In?

To find your precinct you can go to the voter search tool at the NC State Board of Elections. Enter your name and search. When you find your entry, click on jurisdictions and the first item is your precinct name.

            Here are our current precinct officers. We’re working on getting more precincts organized as mentioned in Lynn Dorfman’s letter. If your precinct is on this list, reach out to your precinct officers. If your precinct is not on this list, think about helping to get it organized. First Vice Chair Shamoyi McIver can help. She’s at and 828-468-1828.


Gene Biggerstaff  -

Rita Lutz -

Falling Creek 

Marguerite Cook -

Ric Vandett -


Shannon Auer -


Lake Norman 

Flavia Dietrich -

Cindy Dinan -

Longview S 

Deborah Hollingsworth -

Donna Roulic -

Mountain View #1  

Delene Huggins  -

Marcus Williams -

Mountain View #2 

Julie Cline  -

Oakland Heights 

Jane Mandle -


Sarah Huffman -


Carole Hovland -


Margaret Pope -

Linda Shade -

Sandy Ridge(needs a vice chair)

Sherbia Jones -

Sherrills Ford

Joanie Gardner -

R. Darrell Gabriel -

South Newton

Greg Cranford -

Polly Pearson -


Audrey Helms -

Roy Watts Jr. -

Viewmont #1 

Eli Glynn -

Lynn Dorfman -

Viewmont #2

Lynn Spees -

Thelma Eley -

Are You Registered to Vote at Your Current Address?

North Carolina now hasonline voter registrationon the Catawba County Board of Elections (CCBoE) website.

            And, we strongly recommend everyone request an absentee ballot. You can request those now. There’s information here on the CCBoE site.

July Dates to Remember

Upcoming events and CCDP business:

  • July 18, 12:30 pm – Democratic Women Catawba County meeting (Zoom)

  • July 25, 11 am – Virtual Town Hall with Cal Cunningham, U.S. Senate candidate

  • July 28, 7 pm – CCDP Monthly Meeting (Zoom)

A Heart-felt Thank You!

As always, we are so extremely grateful for the support of our generous sponsors. With that critical support, we are able to keep a strong presence in Catawba County by having an operating headquarters. Should you wish to continue your support, our sustainability fund ensures that ongoing success. Thank you!


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