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Precinct Organization - March 6 - 20

There are 40 precincts in Catawba County. Lake Norman is #41 and there is no precinct #18.

As reported last month, we have 20 precincts that are organized (which means there are five registered Democrats who have stepped up, including one to serve as chair and another as vice chair). The precincts in green are organized, which will meet in March sometime between March 6 and 20, identify leaders, and elect delegates to the April 10 county convention.

The pink ones are close to being organized and will participate in an organizing meeting to identify leaders and elect county convention delegates. We’re feeling good about the numbers in Conover West and Northwest and there are leaders in each stepping on to recruit others to participate. Please be on the lookout for a few good Democrats in Springs. Let us know if you live in Springs and can be a member of its precinct committee.

The precincts in blue are priorities. Mark Sakatos has stepped up to lead Startown and Claudia Earle is leading the effort in College Park. Hurrah! We are making calls to Democrats in E. Newton and Greenmont – those two are top priorities since here are more registered Democrats than Republicans in these precincts. (Kenworth and Ridgeview, both organized, also have more Democrats than Republicans.)

As for the precincts in gray, we would like to get them organized. Under our Alternate Plan of Precinct Organization, approved by the NCDP State Executive Committee at its Feb. 27 meeting we can cluster adjacent precincts. For example, there’s a Democrat from Claremont #6 who wants to be involved and can cluster with neighboring Oxford, which has at least four registered Democrats.

Here’s a table with the numbers of voters in each precinct, broken out by party, ethnicity, and gender:

We will be sending precinct-organization packets to precinct leaders and coordinate on scheduling organizing meetings on Zoom. A party officer will schedule and set up each meeting on Zoom as well as facilitate the meeting.


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